


来源:https://www.sfxjxbj.com/ 浏览量: 时间:2021-08-23 16:41:34

每个产品的生产经营并不是独立存在的,它由各种不同的组件组成。以我们的切菜机生产为例。 其机械部件主要包括货架和传送带,蔬菜压榨带、切片机构、调速箱或塔轮调速机构。
The production and operation of each product does not exist independently. It is composed of various components. Take the production of our vegetable chopper as an example. Its mechanical components mainly include shelf and conveyor belt, vegetable pressing belt, slicing mechanism, speed regulating box or tower wheel speed regulating mechanism.
在切菜机上安装不同的切菜机构,可以切出不同形状、不同长度的产品。 通过相关人员的介绍,我们了解到其离心切片机构用于瓜类、马铃薯等较硬蔬菜的切片,切片厚度可以在一定范围内。 内部可自由调节,立刀部分可加工叶状软蔬菜或将切片切成不同规格的立方体、菱形等各种形状。切割长度可通过“可调偏心轮”在一定范围内任意调节。
Different vegetable cutting mechanisms are installed on the vegetable cutting machine to cut products of different shapes and lengths. Through the introduction of relevant personnel, we learned that its centrifugal slicing mechanism is used for slicing hard vegetables such as melons and potatoes, and the slice thickness can be within a certain range. The inside can be adjusted freely, and the vertical knife part can process leafy soft vegetables or cut slices into cubes, diamonds and other shapes of different specifications. The cutting length can be adjusted arbitrarily within a certain range through "adjustable eccentric".
Because the vertical knife simulates the principle of manual vegetable cutting, the processing surface is flat and smooth, the shape is regular, and the cut vegetables are arranged neatly and kept fresh.
切菜机方便切菜,我们不需要用刀在砧板上慢慢切。 切菜机可以在短时间内切出我们需要的蔬菜。 当然,正确使用切菜机可以延长其使用寿命。 机器如何使用
The chopper is convenient for cutting vegetables. We don't need to cut slowly on the chopping board with a knife. The vegetable chopper can cut out the vegetables we need in a short time. Of course, the correct use of the vegetable chopper can prolong its service life. How to use the machine
1、操作前将设备放置在水平地面上,确保机器放置平稳可靠; 确保设备插头接触良好,无松动,无水迹;
1. Place the equipment on the horizontal ground before operation to ensure that the machine is placed stably and reliably; Ensure that the equipment plug is in good contact without looseness or water trace;
2、检查转筒内或传送带上是否有异物。 如有异物,必须清理干净,以免损坏刀具;
2. Check whether there are foreign matters in the drum or on the conveyor belt. If there is any foreign matter, it must be cleaned to avoid damaging the tool;
3. 操作与调整 根据要加工的蔬菜选择切割方式。 离心切片机用于瓜类、马铃薯等硬质蔬菜的切片。立刀部分可加工嫩叶蔬菜或切成不同规格的片。丁字形、菱形等形状;
3. Operation and adjustment select the cutting method according to the vegetables to be processed. Centrifugal slicer is used for slicing hard vegetables such as melons and potatoes. The vertical knife part can process tender leaf vegetables or cut into pieces of different specifications. T-shaped, rhombic and other shapes;
4. When installing the vertical knife, first rotate the adjustable eccentric to make the knife rest reach the bottom dead center, then raise the knife rest by 1-2mm to make the vertical knife contact with the conveyor belt, and tighten the nut to fix the vertical knife on the knife rest. If the lifting height of the knife rest is small, the vegetables may be connected to the knife. If the height of the knife rest is too high, the conveyor belt may be cut.
本文由大型切肉机 https://www.sfxjxbj.com友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击:真诚的态度.为您提供为的服务.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向大家奉献.敬请期待.
This paper consists of a large meat cutter https://www.sfxjxbj.com Friendship and dedication. For more relevant knowledge, please click: sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. More relevant knowledge will be offered to you one after another. Please look forward to it

